A new perl installation toolFinally I created a new perl installation tool perl-instal which is written in shell script.Dec 22, 2019Dec 22, 2019
Perl meets Github ActionsGitHub Actions now supports CI/CD. If you host your repositories in Github, then Github Actions may be a good option for testing your…Sep 16, 2019Sep 16, 2019
Use docker in travis ci perl buildsRecently, the default ubuntu version in travis ci has changed from trusty (14.04) to xenial (16.04).Aug 3, 2019Aug 3, 2019
POSIX::setsid returns -1 on failureIt is common to call setsid(2) while daemonizing processes. In Perl5, we call it via POSIX package:Jun 27, 2019Jun 27, 2019